Community Projects

Part of the mission at ERCS is to empower our students to make a difference in the world around them. Each year, our students participate in a social project. From supporting our local hospital to raising money for schools in developing countries, ERCS students are making a difference!

Some examples of previous community projects include:

  • The Marden Marathon in support of Groves Memorial Hospital in Fergus

  • A Well Walk to raise money for wells at schools in Zambia

  • FAST 55: Students fasted from screens for 55 hours to raise money to purchase computers for Dominican Republic schools

  • The collection of 2 large suitcases of school supplies and stuffed animals that were sent with a mission team to schools in Peru

  • Participation in the Green Legacy Programme - a local initiative to improve the environment by encouraging tree planting

  • Food drives for the Salvation Army and the Centre Wellington Foodbank

Ready to find out more? We would love to meet with you and answer all of your questions.